Pagina:TDKGM 01.014 (2 1) Koleksi dari Perpustakaan Museum Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya.pdf/1

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Telegram aan Surya Ningrat

= LCO = Medan 36 29 8/7 3.10 SR. Eastern

We have given you authority attending all our claims in all directions especially that of our cable sent to meester Marchant

Sarekat Islam Boedi Oetomo

Telegram aan mr. Marchant.

Medan 75 120/112 30/5 1.15 S.via Eastern

= LCO = RP.10 =

Decisions general meeting Sarekatislam and Boedioetomo eastcoast Samara held on eleventh may nineteenhundredeighteen respectfully claim cancel penal sanction coolies minimum wages sixty cents aday working eight hours aday coolies may break contract woman after giving birth forty day before start laborintn in their athence wages go on as usual and pregnancy after eight months should stop working governement have the right to build schools for coolies children coolies having work for fifteen years ought to get pension coolies who live here have power to get land any ease beten between estate and coolie to be judged by justice of peace letter following

Presidents Boedi OetomoSarikat IslamMohamad Samin